At Djibouti Telecom, we believe that communication is a powerful tool for economic, social and environmental change, and each plays an equal role in our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy.
We operate with a keen awareness of social responsibility and use our technology, global reach and talent pool to contribute to society as best we can.
Some of our initiatives:
Djibouti Telecom provide free internet connection
via WiMax networks for ALL hospitals including those in remote areas.
Djibouti Telecom sponsor almost all sports activities
taking place in Djibouti such as the Marathon competition of 15 km which has become over the years a meeting point of the best athletes of Djibouti.

Djibouti Telecom support the facilitation of pediatric procedures and cardiologists
at Peltier hospital and the Djiboutian military hospital aimed at supporting children to operate by conveyors of the Association Aviation Sans Frontiers.
Since 2010, twenty Djiboutian children have had heart surgery in France. What’s more in February 2016, 104 children received extensive consultations during a MécénatChirurgieCardiaque mission (operate on underprivileged children) at Peltier Hospital. All subsidized by Djibouti Telecom.
Helped create the "ACTION HANDICAP" association
on 20th November 2017. The aim of this association is to help disabled and vulnerable people promoting the rights of handicapped people and fight against all discrimination. Djibouti Telecom support this association financially along with other partners including the Djiboutian government.
Distribute clothes to needy children every year
On the instruction of our Director General we support several associations that make large distribution of clothing during Eid celebrations every year.

Djibouti Telecom to accompany children to operate by conveyors of Aviation Sans frontiers

Djibouti Telecom to sponsors annual 15km Marathon, a meeting point for some Djibouti's best athletes

Djibouti telecom sponsors almost all sports activities taking place in Djibouti